Any questions?

Check out our FAQ 👇


Is FastPicker operational yet?

Yes, FastPicker is operational and used by a dozen of active customers.

Are you missing features or anything before it will suit your need? Please submit your feature request or idea right here.

What is the main goal of FastPicker

We will make Woo Orderpicking fast!
WooCommerce can become very slow when working all day in the WP back-end. We know this because we ‘live’ inside Woo 24/5.

We will help you make less mistakes with happier customers
A mistake is easily made when you are busy. When it comes to the ordered items, or the packing slip, invoice or the transport label. Did we mention the track&trace information?


We will make sure that your order picking hero’s will only see the information they need to see
When you grow you would love to hire some help packing with you right? But you don’t want to give people access to all your information like revenue, customer data and acces to your mainframe of your business.

What are the steps to complete an order?
  1. Choose an order to pick
  2. Print a packing slip
  3. Walk your route and pick
  4. Check all order lines, or scan them (optional)
  5. Pre-notify your carrier and print a label
  6. Complete the order. This will notify the customer through Woo and take you to step 1 to continue with the next order
With what carrier can I connect?

We will only connect with carriers that have a solid WooCommerce plugin. This is because we will depend on their plugin to pre-notify and print labels. We will start with: PostNL, MyParcel, KDZ. Would you like to see another carrier connected? Please suggest your carrier right here.

What is needed to start?

You will need a WordPress installation with WooCommerce. To connect you have to create a WooCommerce API key. With this API key we are able to read and write your orders while picking.

What will happen with my data? (GDPR)

We are based in the Netherlands and take privacy seriously. Therefore we won’t store any information any longer than strictly necessary. Standard we will keep order information and packing slips for a maximum of two hours after completing the order. Due to EU GDPR legislation we offer you a GDPR data processor agreement bound by EU laws.


What will it cost?

At the moment you can use our app for free. In the future we will work with credits where you pay x cent per packed order. In this way you can use our application completely scalable.

How can I pay

We will add and connect Mollie Payment gateway and offer you at least: Credit Cards, PayPal, iDeal and a broad scala of other international payment methods.

Free, that does not exist right?

It does untill now. We welcome everybody to use our app for free. In the future we will as a small amount per picked order.